21 February 2011

Web 2.0 Content Awareness

Social media is a comprehensive communication channel allowing people to find information and material, and for companies and brands to reach out to consumers and customers.
Compared to traditional marketing approaches, social media offers a cheap and flexible alternative for broadcasting information to an already attentive audience.

Social media being increasingly used by businesses and for commercial purposes, many companies have also taken the initiative of allowing access toward those platforms to their employees, but it doesn't mean that all content within social networking sites should be trusted.
Social networking sites host multiple type of data, such as discussion forums, streaming media and embedded links.
Looking at the security aspect, it is important to breakdown social media into accurate categories, so that good content can be differentiated from the inappropriate, undesirable and malicious stuff.
The majority of the bad content in Facebook is related to proxy avaoidance, used to circumvent URL filters.
Profiles could also be compromised and contain malicious data or links toward malicious sites.
The content being dynamic, it's almost impossible to preliminary categorise Web 2.0 sites such as Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook, therefore the necessity to classify the information in real time.
On a security perimeter level, there are already many commercial and open source solutions aiming to provide a granular Web filtering that match the corporate surfing policy, suitable for social media and web 2.0 sites, identifying the threats such as Malicious embedded links and iframes, malicious web sites, phishing, suspicious embedded links, spyware, proxy avoidance and hundred different categories.

However, moving toward roaming and cloud computing, along with the generalisation of mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets, the security controls must adapt into clientless and service based solutions.
Platform addons such as Akismet and Defensio, cleaning spams before they reach your blog or facebook wall, as well as browser imbedded tools like Google Safe Browsing are the first break throughs in that direction.

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